This experience, designed as the final project for Multimedia Language 2 in the Multimedia Design program, invites players to explore the boundaries of light and darkness, the known and the imagined. In a setting inspired by PS1 aesthetics and VHS effects, each object and ray of light holds significance, forming a fragile armor against the encroaching unknown.

A suspenseful, exploratory piece where there is no winning or losing—only the will to resist.


Esta experiencia, concebida como el proyecto final de la materia Lenguaje Multimedial 2 de la carrera de Diseño Multimedial, invita al jugador a explorar los límites de la luz y la sombra, lo conocido y lo imaginado. En un ambiente inspirado en la estética PS1 y efectos VHS, cada objeto y cada rayo de luz adquieren significado, funcionando como una tenue armadura ante el avance de lo desconocido.

Una pieza de suspenso y exploración, donde perder o ganar no es el objetivo. Aquí, sólo la resistencia importa.


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I do not seem to be able to do anything. I can turn, but only if my mouse is outside of the game window. 

Sorry, the game isn’t complete yet. It’s uploaded so I can conveniently show it during critique sessions at my university. By the 20th of this month, I believe the missing parts will be implemented. This is my first 3D game using Unity.